Monday 16 January 2012

Late bloomer author

Hi my fiends! Let me introduce myself.
I am a middle aged, married man, who recently has become a published author. I am a late bloomer when it comes to writing though I have written  bits and pieces of short stories since I was in junior high. I have always wanted to be a writer ever since I first heard the Beatles' song,"Paper back Writer" when I was a youth.
It took a while but after I entered the work world and eventually got married  did I begin to take it more seriously.My books so far have been self published and usually with a POD publisher(printer) Mostly because I didn't have the patience to wait on answers from my queries from Literary agents. This I kinda regret as I might have made  money the traditional way. Yes my books are out there but sometimes I think they're just sitting there gathering dust,and it's such a shame as I believe there are some good stories that people are not reading.
My current release, "The Lupine Effect" a werewolf/romance novel (my best yet I've been told),has had sales  at least slow as it has been . I am looking for a literary agent for this one because I believe it would make a great movie with the action I wrote into it. Check it out at or order it at your local bookstore.